Calgary based Graphic design, Illustration, comic, cartoon and caricature

creative business cards

Here’s a great example of some really creative business cards. A lot of folks feel like business cards are a dying art, but there’s nothing better than handing your business card to someone and have them go “WOW!”


staggering beauty

If you have time to kill, you must check out staggering beauty by Google Labs designer–George Michael BrowerThis little amusement can keep you busy for awhile. I would love to try it out with a cat and an iPad.



don’t be a comic sans criminal

Comic sans has been abused since it first came out. Designers know where to use it, but some folks are abusing it. Do you know somebody who uses this font inappropriately? Luckily, there is help to rehabilitate them today, thanks to Matt Dempsey.


Just a reminder, next Wednesday is international left-hander’s day, hug a left-handed person.


gm futurliner

One of these went up for auction a few years ago, only a small number were produced and very few survive today. It is a great example of the design of its time. I did the freehand ink sketchbook drawings because I just fell in love with it. The entrance to the cabin is a door next to the letter “G” on the front of it, then the driver ascends a staircase to the “cockpit”. If you have a million bucks, you can have one for yourself. Check out the video here.


new work

I experimented with simplifying forms, eliminating smooth curves and getting more geometric with the shapes. It was fun to shake things up a bit.
