Calgary based Graphic design, Illustration, comic, cartoon and caricature

cartoons forever

I have just been accepted as a member of the National Cartoonists Society. In the spring, my friend, Dave Whamond invited me to their convention. It was a ton-o-fun and rubbing shoulders with some of the funniest people on the planet was humbling.

terrorist holds the world in his hands

strange places

Thomas Doyle envisions an apocalyptic world. His dioramas are all a bit dark, but tell interesting stories.

retro posters

I’ve mentioned Retronaut’s site before, a great place to waste time. These japanese train station posters are just brilliant. This one is reminding people to not smoke on the trains and platforms. A great use of western iconography.

John Wayne

new work

All the news reports tell you that the economy is getting better. Do you believe them?

you're fired!

birdhouse types

These beautiful birdhouses are perfect for the typophile in your life. It’s an experiment to replace sparrow habitats that are declining in urban areas.

birdhousevia neatorama