Simply put, Guy is a graphic designer, cartoonist, and illustrator. But with his strategic partners, we’re communicators and storytellers, helping you talk to your customers, readers, or users. We’re a specialized company with a trusted network of professionals that expand our capabilities. Go team. We’ve been helping companies with their graphic design, communications, Illustration and cartoon needs for over thirty years.
We love cartooning, caricature, and humour in general and exercise that daily, we pretty well breathe cartooning. Well, you can’t actually breathe it, but you get the idea. Our cartoon work has appeared in publications by big corporations and swanky magazines all across North America and beyond.
If it isn’t nature–then someone designed it. We love designing solutions, and have a ton of experience doing that. Guy has designed everything from printed communications, to websites, app interfaces, and large exhibit spaces. Design–for us and our partners–has no boundaries. Kind of like our imaginations.
The guy loves to draw, that’s great because that’s one of the ways he makes a living. you should check out his portfolio, or better even, if you have something specific in mind, we’ve probably drawn something like it before. We could put some samples together for you–really– we don’t mind.